Friday, May 20, 2016

week #6- Class Evaluation

What did you like about this class? I enjoyed almost everything that we did in and outside of class this semester. I like this class for the fact that it's never the same and we're always learning something new and interesting every day.

What was your favorite activity or project? My favorite activity in this class has got to be the emotion project. I've always been a very artistic and crafty person, so any time when there's a project that involves drawing, i always have more fun.

What didn't you like about this class? Honestly, there was nothing i really didn't like doing in the class. Obviously writing eighty plus vocab terms was a pain in the butt but it was worth it in the end. I'm really proud of myself for doing all of the units.

What do you think i should leave out next year? I feel like all of the upcoming students for thank you if you would leave out the real world examples on the vocab. Most of the time i would just write something really random down since I'm not sure.

Do you have any suggestions or ideas for things i could do next year in AP psych? Keep at it with the memes, group projects, and extra credits.

Do you like quizzing each unit and only having 1-2 major grade exam? For sure! This was really nice since most teachers would just give out tests. Doing this could really be beneficial to not only students but also the teacher.

What is your advice for students taking AP psych in the future? You cannot just be a Psychologist over night it takes years. So don't expect to study for anything before class especially the vocabs and expect to make as food grade.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Week 4- Why Everyone Should Lift Weights
People begin lifting weight for many reasons. For some people lifting is an attempt to get fit or lose weight, others just do it for fun. The battle waged by a weight lifter is not between other people of greater or lesser strength but against oneself. Lifting weights is about doing better and being better.

This is human passion at its best; it’s the drive towards the impossible and beyond. Weight lifting is about long term goals. It’s about not giving up. It’s about being motivated even angered by those that can do something you cannot. 

Weight lifting works differently it’s about exploiting ones weaknesses towards a desire to improve. It allows one to wield the body like a machine. It’s allows one to know success; incremental success. It allows one to manage hostility.

 It feels great knowing with every five pounds you add to the bar, you're better than you were yesterday, you're better than someone else. You'll look in the mirror during and after your workout, seeing that entire pump, boosting your ego quite nicely. You'll get to the point where you know you're awesome. You know your body is attractive. You know you're better than many others.

During your workout, many to all problems in life become unimportant, if only for a moment. You'll be too caught up in the moment focusing on your technique and physique, setting up the next weights, visualizing your next set, or just too tired to give a crap about anything else.